Your mind is just a display of conditioning of your past, of thoughts, of things people have told you, things you've read, your own idea's, things you've watched on TV.... all of which changes.

Think back 10 years and you'll probably think; "Well, I thought I knew what was going on then, but now I'm 10 years older and now I REALLY know what's going on"

But of course, in another 10 years you'll feel like what you knew now was very immature.

We're constantly growing, therefore to trust your own mind is a mistake.
From: The Way of the Superior Man (by David Deida)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

First time daygame

Day 1:
Had loads of excuses (AA), and didn't approach anyone. That day and the next I was feeling amazingly bad. I didn't feel like doing anything and I felt disappointed in myself, because I held myself back from doing what I wanted... which is to approach girls I find sexually attractive. I felt like I was going backwards and had to battle AA all over again. Like when I just started, it felt horrible. Close to depression. I got called out for it on work too, people kept asking: "What's wrong?".

Day 2:
- 2 girls, opinion opener, failed to transition. I eject.

- What time is it? While you're here can I get your opinion on... (bracelet I was wearing)
You're kinda cute, what are you up to?
Talked about our age, school, education
I held eye contact and was silent a lot, and she kept reengaging. And when the conversation went dead I started a new topic of conversation.
She invested in the interaction by telling me about the bracelets she was wearing.
Gave her half-a-hug while making a joke (Didn't tell her she gave me a lousy half-a-hug back)
After a while she went:
    Her: "Well... I'm gonna go..."
I can't remember what I said, but I DO remember that "when girls run out of shit to say, their standard response is: "I'm gonna go back to my friends", this does NOT mean she's not attracted. Just say ANYTHING (doesn't matter what) to keep the interaction going" (from previous blog posts)
So I just started new conversational topics, she stayed and after a while I went to:
    Me: "You should give me your number"
    Her: "Nooo, I can't!"
    Me: "Why?"
    Her: "I don't even know you!"
    Me: *silence*
    Her: "Well okay sure! It's alright, you can have it!"

Then she gave me the weirdest and most awesome compliment I've ever gotten:
    Her: "Wow, you're good!"
    Me: "What do you mean?"
    Her: "Well... the age difference... you're a lot younger than me... and... yeah... :)"
I think she was referring to my charm/game. :)

- Then saw this Super hot chick, exactly my type talking to a friend.
    Me: *telling myself* OMG, Go approach, you're gonna regret it for the rest of the week.
    Me: *Noo, she's with her friend.*
    My Bro: "I see you watching... Do it!" (Thx for this!)
    Me: "Fuck it, here I go" *turns around*
Then I see her saying goodbye to her friend, so I figured I'd wait a couple more seconds. Though due to nervousness I was walking back and forth waiting for her friend to leave. When she finally did I waited for her to pass, and then started walking/running. My heart was pounding like fucking crazy at this point.
    Me: "Hey, wow, wait! stop!" *Stands in front of her*
    Me: "You're too cute, I had to stop you and tell you I wanted to meet you..."
    Her: "Yeah, but I don't want to meet YOU! Sorry!" *walks off*
    Me: *Shouts through the streets* BUT AT LEAST I GAVE IT A SHOT, RIGHT?!
After-wards it took me a good 5 minutes to get some feeling back in my knees.

After today I feel good, happy and powerful. Like all the hard work is paying off.... and I'm doing what I want. Damn, rejection feels awesome.

- What will feel worse? Rejection or regret?
- Try and get rejected = goal.
- It's not rejection, it's a screening process.

Infield pics (First number close in daygame):

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Investment Ladder (Baiting to invest)

Alright, so after 2 weeks in a row of really pushing myself and trying to get blown out. I've had major epiphanies. (Also being sober when going out, which is a major boost in confidence, and helps me remember more of the interaction ;))

The cool people at tell us to bait girls to invest, but only since yesterday have I really seen the true power of it.

When baiting girls to invest they can either comply, or not. This will tell you where you are, and how attracted they are. This will tell you how strong of a sexual frame you can set and how much they are willing to invest in the interaction.

If they don't comply, you try and bait them to invest in something smaller and/or set lower forms of sexual frames. Then after they've invested with lower requests they'll be more inclined to do bigger investments because cognitive dissonance will set in and make her more attracted.

And with baiting to invest, I mean A LOT of things; 3D escalation is a form of investing (come here, do this, go there, etc), qualifying, snakebite, highfive, half-a-hugs, roleplays, tell me a joke, do a spin, silence, etc

Some require more investing than others, and you need to know how much she's willing to invest, so you don't build this ladder of you trying to get her to invest and her not complying.

Build up the investment ladder... that's what I came to realize yesterday on my walk home from the club.

Because I've noticed when I could get away with big investments on their part I would get this feel for it and could almost guarantee that I could get away with asking for lower forms of investments.

And if you can add justification for your compliance requests and form them in statements then they will get accepted A LOT more.

e.g. Instead of saying... "Do you want to come to the bar and have a drink with me?"
Say something like this... "I'm really thirsty, keep me company while I go to the bar and get a drink."
Instead of: "Tell me a joke", say: "I'll keep you company for a while, IF you tell me a joke.".

p.s. I'm using half-a-hug in every interaction I have with woman now... it's really fun to see them just sorta accepting it, and then after going: "You're giving me a lousy half-a-hug back" seeing them give this full on hug. Good stuff.

p.p.s. When girls run out of shit to say, their standard response is: "I'm gonna go back to my friends", this does NOT mean she's not attracted. Just say ANYTHING (doesn't matter what) to keep the interaction going. ---> Roleplay, Bait to invest, Move her, Be comfortable with silence

Sunday, April 17, 2011

My Life Purpose

After doing the exercise by Steve Pavlina called: "How to Discover Your Life Purpose in About 20 Minutes", I've come to this conclusion:

What is my true purpose in life?
Become the happiest I can be, by being truly comfortable with myself and my emotions.
And expressing myself so that others can connect with my essence without letting my fears or anyone else hold me back from expressing my core,
while inspiring others to do the same so that they feel the same good feelings as me.
So that someday when we all die, we'll have no regrets in the short and limited time we have on this earth.

It came awfully close to what Steve Pavlina's purpose was, only this was in my own words coming from myself, so there are a lot of different words used.

What is Steve Pavlina's true purpose in life?
To live consciously and courageously;
To enjoy, increase, and share peace, energy, passion, and abundance;
To resonate with love and compassion;
To awaken the great spirits within others;
And to fully embrace this present moment.

p.s.  I came to the conclusion by adding various sentences together that I have previously written and highlighted. (e.g. be happy, be an inspiration to others, etc). Also the end result didn't make me cry, but I did get this really strong emotional feeling in my gut when I wrote it. It made me feel really excited.

Loads of realisations

Just some quick gibberish for my own viewing:

bait to invest is awesome
bait girls to invest and you can gauge how much they like you
build it up
small investments turn into big investments (same goes for qualifiers)
I am comfortable talking to hot girls
I am comfortable giving statement of intents, they accept them.
Make jokes, be funny, do stupid shit, have a laugh, don't give a fuck
Make stupid role plays, do stupid kindergarden jokes, they're funny as fuck
Find girls who like you, not everyone does, but the ones that do are awesome to hang out with
ESCALATE FFS, pull the fucking trigger, ask numbers, go for kiss closes, pull her the fuck home
    you can't "BLOW" it, you can only escalate. If she doesn't go for it, she'll go for it later. It's not the end. She won't blow you out.
Make her invest, be comfortable with silence, you ARE comfortable with silence. When silence drops THEY will invest. They can't handle it and talk. They will qualify.
Don't be scared to get rejected, fuck it. Sure, some will reject you, but the others will be HAPPY to have an awesome interaction with you. Girls are awesome, screw the girls who aren't. They're not fun and you don't want to spend time with them anyway.
See how much investment you can get away with, if she declines. It's no big deal, DON'T TALK ABOUT IT, JUST DROP IT and continue the conversation, then bait her to invest in something smaller.
Come here, do a spin, highfive, halfahug, snakebite, silence, roleplays, statement of intents (YOUR FAULT), etc

Dancefloor game is NOT where you can go out alone, find a venue where you can have conversations with people, there is where you can go out alone.
Talk to EVERYONE, be sexual with girls you find sexually attractive and be SOCIAL with girls that aren't. Find out what their world consists of, their hopes, fears, dreams, what drives them, what makes them special, make them QUALIFY.
You are AWESOME, you don't need approval from anyone to prove this. You KNOW this. Find people who are awesome and who recognize that you are awesome.
Boring people suck, people who don't like you suck even worse, but you know who is awesome? People that are in for a good time. People that laugh at your stupid jokes, people that go along with your roleplays, people that are happy to talk to you and tell you all about them.

She's hot, should I approach? FUCKING YES, and see if she's awesome or boring.
If she's awesome -> ESCALATE. If she's boring -> Leave... it's THAT simple!
It's not rejection, you're just not compatible, she doesn't feel your vibe, she doesn't like your jokes, it's fine, there are millions that do. Screw them and find the ones that actually like you. Don't waste your time on boring people.

p.s. When girls run out of shit to say, their standard response is: "I'm gonna go back to my friends", this does NOT mean she's not attracted. Just say ANYTHING (doesn't matter what) to keep the interaction going. ---> Roleplay, Bait to invest, Move her, Be comfortable with silence