That's right... I went all the way to London from Holland by train to attend this amazing event.
I met some of the most awesome people there:
Anthony Paul Johnson

Andy Yosha
Yad (Discussing mad game tactics)
(Yes, he's as fun as you would think, but can be quite serious too)
And let me just say right now, that without the in-field training this event wouldn't be worth it. But because it DID have in-field training... this event was amazing. It was just walking down busy streets in London and running up to hot girls and trying to apply all the theory you had gained during the lectures. And whenever you had a question you could ask the training coach you were with.
And sometimes I forget, but now looking back... it was A LOT of fun chasing down girls on the street. Especially when the girls are kinda puzzled at first as to why you are there and after you give them the compliment their face lights up.
But most importantly... It felt amazing just feeling like a MAN and going after what I wanted and not letting fear/excuses hold me back.
Some quick reminders:
- Slow down, don't rush through the opener. (Get them to stop FULLY first)
- Talk LOUDER (Presence)
- Go out and become as comfortable as you can be talking to hot girls (Through experience and not giving a fuck)
- The same kind of comfortable when you're in the shower or in bed.
- State your intent and be (super) direct.
- Speak your mind, don't give a shit.
- Goal is getting to know her. Be genuinely curious about her.
- Don't care about results, go for consistency (Open EVERY hot girl you see, the more you open, the more experience you'll gain)
- Be FED UP with NO results.
50/50 = Mastery. Yad solid closes 50% of the girls he approaches. That's 1 out of 2.
Low motivation to go out? But there could be what happened a few weeks ago... Think about GOOD experiences. And just have fun... find ways that you can enjoy the process.
What is your motivation of doing this? To be able to be FREE and have choice. And allowing other people opportunities and possibilities to be free.
When you don't feel like approaching, and you're not in the mood. It's cause you're thinking about approaching from a different state (usually a low energy, analytic state).
When this happens realize that this is happening, think about it, you've done it before so you CAN do it. And just go for it. I call this stateshooting. You SHOOT yourself into state. The rest of the day there will be almost NO FEAR to approach.
The power of now is basically getting into state (Andy focusses on breathing. Mark sings out loud and moves around a lot, focussing on movement)
Speak like when you're with your friends. Tonality -> Comfortable.
You're awesome and amazing... it's HER lucky day that you approached and chose her.
- I HAVE to tell you something really quickly...
- I know this sounds a bit random, but...
- *On Phone*: Is that important, or can you call right back?
- I saw you walking here...
- I was there in starbucks and I ran out,
- Compliment
- Now my friend is alone in there, being bored, stirring his drink and it's your fault!)
- Now I'm standing here in the rain, getting wet... because of you.
- I thought you were cute and I HAD to come meet you/say hello/introduce myself.
- You're fucking sexy and I HAD to come meet you/say hello/introduce myself.
On bus/metro (any high pressure situation where she CAN'T leave easily)
Relate to her situation: "I shouldn't be doing this, but..."
Use time constraints: "I've got to go in a second"
Accuse girls of hitting on you.
- Eye contact? She's picturing you naked.
When you tell girls you're NOT hitting on them... you basically ARE, but it's funny. And it can never go wrong.
- Is this seat taken? Okay cool... I'm just gonna sit here cause I like this seat...
...I'm not hitting on you... you're hot, but I'm not in the mood today.
- Well... now I feel like I HAVE to hit on you just to prove I can. So Hi, I'm *name*.
If she smiles and walks away -> ALWAYS RE-APPROACH
If she smiles and walks away -> ALWAYS RE-APPROACH
If she smiles and walks away -> ALWAYS RE-APPROACH
(The void is when you run out of stuff to say).
Fearing the void actually allows the void to be there, because you're focussing on it instead of focussing on being spontanious and letting thoughts flow freely. So accept and be okay with running out of stuff to say. Don't fear it, allow the fear to be there and realize it's fine. Your mind will come up with something eventually.
Say whatever comes to mind (it's REAL and in the moment), saying ANYTHING is better than NOTHING. (Silence is good... but to an extend.)
Slow down your talking so you have a longer time to think.
Make assumptions (Look at people and try and make assumptions about them to train this part of your brain)
Ask yourself first: "What does she do?" and then tell her the answer. "You look like..."
Ask yourself:
- What does she do for fun?
- Passions
- Hobbies
- Travel
- Daily Routines
- Where does she live?
- Favourite food
- How did you discover that?
Write down 5 questions that REALLY interest you.
Always be PLAYFUL during the attraction phase.
Bait her to invest
Roleplays (2set, Devilish/Angelic, on my shoulder arguing like in the cartoons)
Challenge (qualify):
Her: I don't like working for cafe "X".
You: What are you on about? They have great coffee!
NOT: Oh... why don't you like it?
Push/pull (Be unpredictable)
- Does he like me? Or not... what's going on?
- "Are you like a munich German... because when I was there I had a different vibe with girls)
Shittests? -> Ignore
Where are you from? "Mars".
Okaaay... *roll eyes*, or just ignore it completely.
During attraction: Come here a second, we're in people's way
On a date: Tell her where to sit (Nono, this is way more comfy over here)
If she still doesn't comply go: "Okayyy... minus 10 points."
Instant date + time constraint (It'll only be for 10 minutes)
We're standing her anyway...
- We've been talking for 5 mins now, and I'm gonna go grab a coffee anyway, tag along. I only got 10 minutes though. (Usually stay longer than 10 minutes)
Eye contact... "Comeon... It'll only be 10 minutes."
- That's cool, well give me your number then... we'll do it another time. (Now you have a date set already, instead of a random number)
- Best coffee (weasel coffee), explain why it's the best. (Goes through digestive system of weasel, etc). Let's meet up at 7 tomorrow.
- False decisions:
- Meet at 8 or 9?
- Let's go on a date, tea or coffee?
Deep rapport (+/- 1 hour)
Family (Relationship with them)
Text: "Hey, it was nice to meet you, callback humor (Nice accent, don't lose it), keep in touch"
*Any text you're sending should make YOU smile, if it doesn't, don't send it*
Vibe = Screening & Rewarding.
The more she invests and gets rewarded... the more she wants the reward (Sex)
It's like a job interview, you won't be happy if you just show up and he immediately goes: You've got the job. It'll be much more rewarding when he gives you a tough interview and you've been selected out of all the other people.
So bait her to invest and qualify. Reward her for good behaviour.
Pull home objections:
- Where are we going? "PARIS!", or "Go see the dolphins"
- But I don't know you "only 5 mins, I have to get up early anyway"
Playful obstacles -> Come back playfully
Logical obstables -> Put her at ease
(e.g. I'm not coming up with you, you might be a murderer) -> Yeah right.. if you really thought I was a murderer would you spent 3 hours with me?
At your house: Admit nerves, make her feel at ease... give her the power.
10 minutes do NOTHING. No kino whatsoever. Make her feel at ease in a strange environment.
Go on your bed, put on youtube/TV and make HER show you stuff. Instead of you trying to "impress" her with some awesome youtube video.
When you're on a high note say: Would you like to lie down next to me? (HOLD EYE CONTACT WHEN ASKING)
Objections? Go: "Okaayyy" *roll eyes* (As in, she's crazy/weird for not doing it)
- I'll give you a kiss anyway *kiss cheek*
Physical Push/pull (PLAYFUL AND FORCEFUL, BUT NOT AGRESSIVE... agressive comes off as needy)
- Wanna dance? cool.. wanna see my fav dance move? Throw her on bed and kiss her neck.
Talk little bit (nerves are fine). After minute kiss, after she kisses back stop lips (Almost like... I shouldn't be doing this), she'll invest MORE... let her escalate.
If you want to stand out, be yourself. Everyone else changes theirselves to be someone they're not just to get approval/validation.
Everything you're doing is a gift: Date/Sex. You're giving her what she wants already.
Everything in escalation is a gift, not a manipulative trick.
Escalation is a way of finding out about each other.
- What does she do for fun?
- What does her skin feel like?
- Does she like it when I touch her like this?
- What do her lips feel like?
And every time you get to a new level of intimacy, and at this new level you have new things to discover what she likes.
Woman fantasies are all about her being irresistable to men. Woman WANT to feel sexy... THIS TURNS THEM ON. Men slowly losing control (but not completely). Every woman wants to be that femme fatale that's destroying your sense of control and brings you back to that primal lust.
This is why it works when you see that hot girl and you approach. You get that GUT feeling and you just HAD to come meet her. This has to feel congruent and not like some script.
A woman's priority in dating is:
1. Social Value
2. Sex
(With men it's vice versa)
This is why BEING DISCREET is important (or being smooth)
You have to lead at a pace that's comfortable for her. This is why calibration is important.
Always escalate with a smile.
The most important thing about escalation is making her feel comfortable + having FUN.
Make a list of things you appreciate. (once a week, 5 things)
- I appreciate the subway, because it allows me to see my friends easier and get to my job.
- I appreciate my girlfriend, because of X Y Z.
What do you have to offer HER?
- A fun experience:
- Orgasm
- Good emotions
- Awesome connection
- Strong sense of safety
Make a bucket list with dates & prices and go do it.
Some funny quotes:
Student: "Yeah, so I was talking to this girl and what do you do when you run out of statements? Because I was using statement after statement and after a while I didn't know what to say so I just said: Wanna make out?"
Instructor: "Alright, let's see, we've covered public transport, coffeeshops.. and now we've got..."
Instructor: "Beach?! I've never approached girls on the beach? What else..."
On the projector it says: "Jungle"
Instructor: "hahaha... damn you Andy! What else.."
*clicks* "The Vatican"
*clicks* "Farm"
Instructor: "So what do you guys want to hear about where to pickup girls?"
"In Gyms!"
"In Toilets!"
"Yad solid closes 50% of the girls he approaches. That's 1 out of 2."
ReplyDeleteThat's mean he fuck 50% girls he approaches?
This post gave me several good ideas- thanks!