No one has to prove himself to you.
You do, however, have to prove yourself to yourself.
How you would even find out who the #7 PUA is, baffles me. Why you would care, or find it important enough to repeat is really alarming.
I can't tell you who the #7 football player is. And I bet this information is readily available. Fact is, I don't care. It has no bearing on my life. My success, happiness, or improvement.
The community sometimes becomes an unfortunate misdirection for the guys who found it with the best intentions of *self improvement.*
Get back on track, man. Who cares what other guys look like or what they do with their time.
You know how Zan says "everything I know, I learned from women"?
He uses it as a marketing distinction to separate himself from the guru-worshipers.
But, really, how can it be any other way? Get out there and let women be your teachers!
A guy can give you an idea, but ultimately you have to go out and use it. Test it.
If women have taught me anything it's this: Escalate.
Despite looks.
Despite personality.
Despite state.
Despite frame.
Despite voice.
Despite social proof.
Despite peacocking.
Despite ego / lack of ego.
Despite micro expressions. (LOL)
Despite mirror neutrons. (LOL again)
Escalation» is attraction. Escalation» is arousal. Escalation» is screening. Escalation» is the highest compliment you can give another person. Escalation» is seduction.
So, I'm going to go in field with you. Soon. Not to prove anything, just out of empathy.
I'm asking a favor though. Go out at least once (hopefully more than once), first, and focus only on two things:
Open and escalate.
Open. Escalate. Open. Escalate. Escalate. Open. Escalate. Escalate. Escalate. Open. Escalate. Escalate. Escalate. Escalate.
No excuses.
No looking for indicators of interest.
No wondering if she "likes" you or not.
No worrying about calibration.
No worrying about being thought of as creepy.
No worrying about what the other guys around you think.
No worrying about getting blown out, etc.
No excuses.
Open. With and introduction or compliment or whatever you want.
Follow with "Hey, let me show you something cool."
Google the Trust Test and use it.
"You seem cool, let me get your number."
No worrying about awkwardness. Any awkwardness is hers.
Your silence maintains sexual tension, it's passive escalation».
If you focus on anything else, focus on your own arousal.
What about her turns you on?
What would you like to see her doing to you?
What would be happening if the lights were out and no one had to know? (see other hypotheticals on this thread)
Don't ask me a million "what ifs."
Get out there and try it.
Report back results.
This only takes courage. Confidence is not even required.
Confidence means acting with assurance; courage means acting despite having no assurance whatsoever.
If you refuse to do it for yourself, then do it for the sake of seduction science research.
The community used to be about sharing an enthusiasm for experimentation.
It wasn't about bellyaching.
It wasn't about arguing your own limitations.
It wasn't about arguing who's ugly and who's not.
It wasn't about name-dropping and marketing, either.
Get out there -- despite all your perceived limitations -- open, and escalate. Report back.
Your mind is just a display of conditioning of your past, of thoughts, of things people have told you, things you've read, your own idea's, things you've watched on TV.... all of which changes.From: The Way of the Superior Man (by David Deida)
Think back 10 years and you'll probably think; "Well, I thought I knew what was going on then, but now I'm 10 years older and now I REALLY know what's going on"
But of course, in another 10 years you'll feel like what you knew now was very immature.
We're constantly growing, therefore to trust your own mind is a mistake.
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