The problem with pickup is that they tell you not to care, be outcome independent and don't give a fuck. Know your own self worth, and stop looking for other people to gain happiness. Yet, every line/routine/eBook/DVD you're reading and learning has a base drive of WANTING more woman in your life. This is a BIG contradiction.
I've gotten to a point where I based my selfworth (and defining myself as a man) on makeouts and lays. When all is going well I'd feel good, happy and content. This is what I've been reading and studying for. Everything works. I've opened girls when I needed to, escalated when I had to, and now I got the girl.... awesome. Yet when things were going awful. For some reason girls were blowing me out (which had nothing to do with me whatsoever, but more to do with the mood she was in), dry spells, etc. I'd feel horrible. And the dry spells only got worse, because when I felt bad, I didn't feel like approaching. And when you don't approach, you're not getting laid. It was a self-destroying prophecy.
Don't get me wrong, I was proud of myself for not being a pussy and escalating when I had to (even though it's scary). Telling woman my desires when she might not reciprocate. It hurts to get rejected, we're all human. But for some reason I was BASING my happiness and selfworth on my ability to "get" woman and sex. I needed sex to be able to feel like a man. Maybe not even sex, but just constant interest from woman. Woman validating me that I'm sexworthy.
And I don't think I'm the only one...
Most people in this community base their happiness and self-worth on 2 things:
1. Taking action (even though you're scared), this means approaching, escalating, being sexual, etc. Even though your mind tries to convince you otherwise (for fear of looking bad in front of other people). This is doing what you want, without letting fear hold you back. The happiness you get from achieving goals.
2. Interest and sex from woman.
The first part is awesome, You're in control of your own happiness and no one can judge you for it. The second one is created by pickup. Because EVERY THING you do regarding pickup comes from wanting recognition. Recognition for your awesome game. Think about it like this, when you're rehearsing lines before approaching, calling or even going on dates, in order to not screw up, you've already set yourself up for failure. Because you're putting in all this effort, it's only natural to want a payout. If we put effort into something, we want results.
The reason things like approaching/escalating/calling/dates/losing the girl/etc, are scary, is because you care too much. You care because every waking minute you're thinking about pickup. You're thinking about improving yourself. You're thinking about your body language. You're thinking about how you like this girl and how you need to approach/escalate. Because this is what the community teaches you to improve on in order to "get" woman. And I think it's great that you want to do all that... but not when it comes from a place of needing it to go right in order to be happy and content.
We're brainwashed by pickup and society that we NEED sex in order to be men. We get highfived when we hookup, and people laugh at us when they find out we haven't gotten laid in months, or are still a virgin. When you can't get that constant approval from woman (in the form of interest and sex) you feel less of a man. You feel like your game sucks, and that you have the inability to "get lucky". No wonder we care so fucking much. Society and other people are putting all this pressure on us, and as social beings we have this strong urge to want approval.
Because of this most people think that after they get a girlfriend, or when they are able to get laid regularly that it's magically going to fix their lives and make them happy. Or they believe that after they buy X amounts of products that they can get amazing results with woman quickly. With no effort, time, or energy, and they care about getting the results they were promised. Or they make getting women some sort of measurement of how successful of a guy they are and they have to be better than this guy or get X amount of girls into bed a month.
They make getting more girls or getting laid THE most important thing in their lives.
This is a mindset that is going to set you up for failure. Pickup is hard in the beginning and if it's the most important thing in your life, you're going to be failing at what you consider the most important thing in the world. Which will make you feel bad. Not only that, but it will make you either hugely bitter (if you never get success) or feel like your entire life and whole sense of self worth is directly related to whether or not a stranger likes you.
This is why you shouldn't care if you'll ever get laid again. It's not healthy. In order to get laid you NEED the approval from another person to open up her beautiful legs for you. And if you care so much about getting laid, then you'll automatically care about another person's approval (specifically attractive women).
The solution is to not care, but still take action.
You only need to care that you are actually making an effort. If you're making an effort and the results aren't coming, you can feel good knowing you did your best. You don't have to be perfect with women or some sort of "master pick up artist" all you have to do is care about trying, do the approaches and not worry about the rest.
- Coldman
Your mind is just a display of conditioning of your past, of thoughts, of things people have told you, things you've read, your own idea's, things you've watched on TV.... all of which changes.From: The Way of the Superior Man (by David Deida)
Think back 10 years and you'll probably think; "Well, I thought I knew what was going on then, but now I'm 10 years older and now I REALLY know what's going on"
But of course, in another 10 years you'll feel like what you knew now was very immature.
We're constantly growing, therefore to trust your own mind is a mistake.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Saturday, January 21, 2012
How Direct Daygame totally revolutionised my dating life, AGAIN - by Ryan
I like how this article brings up a lot of points that I've been trying to convey the last couple of weeks on this blog, especially beliefs 3 & 4. Enjoy!
How Direct Daygame totally revolutionised my dating life, AGAIN - by Ryan
Limiting Belief 1: You have to "create attraction" BEFORE you can telegraph interest, qualify or sexually escalate.
Limiting Belief 2: You have to "raise your value" and/or "lower her value" before she will become attracted to you.
Limiting Belief 3: You have to follow the steps correctly. If you don't get the girl, it's because you've failed at one of the steps.
Limiting Belief 4: A great pick up artist (who knows how to do all the steps correctly) can get ANY girl.
How Direct Daygame totally revolutionised my dating life, AGAIN - by Ryan
In the autumn of 2007, I was sitting in my room in University when my good friend Andrew came in, smiling and clutching a book, which he offered to me. Only the night before, I'd been telling him about some problems I'd been having with my then girlfriend of 4 years. "You HAVE to check this out" he said. I looked down at the black leatherbound edition and read the words "The Game" embossed in gold on the cover. I devoured the book in about 48 hours and literally couldn't contain my enthusiasm. Was this real? Did "pick up artists" really exist? Having just finished a course on biocultural psychology where I learned all about the interaction between evolution, psychology and society, the theory totally clicked and made perfect sense. I searched around on the internet, and, lo and behold, there was an entire community of pick up artists on forums everywhere - it was real!
Over the next few years, I dedicated myself to the study and implementation of all the information and advice I could get about how to become a "PUA." From, to eBooks, videos, audiobooks, and everything in between, I developed an encyclopaedic knowledge of the subtle differences between the emotional progression model as taught by Lovesystems versus straight Mystery Method versus Adam Lyons (C-R) + Q + SE model, and so on. I credit the study of the pick up arts with giving me the motivation and incentive to go and work out, improve my body language and posture, dress well, think about making great first impressions, become more social, make female friends, learn NLP, and generally go down the path of self-improvement.
However, did any of this actually get me laid? Surprisingly, the answer is NO. Despite knowing a lot about pick up, having a few pretty cool wings, and going out a lot, even the new improved me wasn't faring any better than the old one. After two years of being a self-proclaimed "pick up artist," I had two lays to my name, neither of whom (sorry girls) would rank any more than a 5 on anyone's scale.
Looking back now, I know that my lack of success was not down to something I was missing. In fact, it stemmed from some of the limiting beliefs that indirect methods such as the mystery method unwittingly instil into almost every aspiring pick up artist:
Limiting Belief 1: You have to "create attraction" BEFORE you can telegraph interest, qualify or sexually escalate.
Limiting Belief 2: You have to "raise your value" and/or "lower her value" before she will become attracted to you.
Limiting Belief 3: You have to follow the steps correctly. If you don't get the girl, it's because you've failed at one of the steps.
Limiting Belief 4: A great pick up artist (who knows how to do all the steps correctly) can get ANY girl.
(1) & (2) The basis of the "neg" is the combination of 1&2. The neg acts as a "false disqualifier," making the girl think you're not actually hitting on her, whilst at the same time "lowering her value" by acting as a sly insult. It's the basis of "active disinterest" - engaging her in conversation, but saying that you're not interested because she's not actually that hot.
The problem with the neg: most wannabe pick up artists are likely so socially uncalibrated that they don't know how to deliver a neg with a cheeky smile in a confident manner (i.e. "flirting"), so instead it just sounds like an insult, or even worse, like a nervous guy attempting a compliment but failing!
The problems with pretending you're not hitting on her until you get the sense that she's attracted to you are numerous:
· You get "in your head" and constantly look for signs of attraction rather than focusing on the interaction at hand and actually LISTENING to what she's saying
· You wait so long NOT hitting on her that you get worried about when it'll be "ok," making it more and more incongruent and more awkward, eventually getting yourself into the friend zone through lack of escalation.
· You assume your "attraction building routines" are what's causing the attraction, rather than the possibility that she was ALREADY attracted to you anyway. In reality, all you had to do was spend 5 minutes showing her that you're a normal guy who likes her, and you'd have had a far higher chance of getting to know her intimately.
· You assume the hot girl has more "value" than you from the very beginning - but wait a minute, what happened to "I am the prize"? If you're the prize, then surely you can assume higher value, which would negate the need to "neg" altogether.
· You're starting your entire interaction with this girl based on a LIE. You're not going up to her to ask a "female opinion" on some debate you're having - you're talking to her because she's HOT and you're attracted to her! The first few seconds you start talking to a girl, especially in a club or bar, she knows exactly what you want. Women are not stupid, in fact they are far more attuned to subtle social cues. You can't fool them into thinking you really want to know "who lies more."
(3) The idea of an "emotional progression model" is incredibly attractive to the kind of man that will end up getting involved in the pick up artist community. A guy who is probably quite nervous in a social situation because of its inherent complexity (who might even be verging on autism) will look at a structured, logical, linear progression, and therefore something that could be learned exactly. They may think that following these steps exactly will guaranteed their success, as if pick up were like a video game.
The big PUA companies love teaching models like this because they're simple and easy to explain, and more importantly, when a student isn't getting results, they can say, "oh well, it's because your sticking point is between A3 and C1, so you just need to buy our new product focusing on qualification and comfort, and then do another bootcamp, and you'll learn C1-S3 and be there before you know it!" This puts the blame squarely on the student for screwing up the system, not something inherently flawed in the system, the student, or maybe even the girl herself! This is a great way to sell lots of specialised products for every single facet of interaction (opening, comfort, phone and text, daygame, club game, etc.) but it likely doesn't address the core issues that may be preventing the student from achieving the success he wants.
Fundamentally, what's really counterproductive about this whole way of learning, is it creates the mentality of "if I just learn this material, then I'll say exactly the right thing at the right time to convince this girl to like me and want to sleep with me." The whole thing is upside down! If you're supposed to be the prize, if you're so high value, if you're so alpha and confident, then why on earth are you worrying what the right thing to say is to make some girl like you?
(4) Finally, the big gurus or master pick up artists, with all the commercialised hype, have to sell the idea that their system is 100% foolproof and sell the idea that, if performed correctly they system can turn normal guys into chick magnets capable of bringing home any woman they desire. Of course, we know this MUST be false. Some women, regardless of how "tight" your game is, will simply not be attracted, or be in a committed happy relationship, or something you do may remind them of their ex boyfriend who treated them badly, or a million other reasons. Again, the mindset is that the mPUA can control everything within the interaction and guarantee a 0% chance of rejection. The very idea of a rejectionless pick up attempt is ludicrous. Without rejection, you'd never even begin the learning process that is absolutely necessary to even master the basics of any skill - seduction being no exception.
After learning the Direct method from Sasha Daygame, my results immediately skyrocketed. I went from a guy.... who was struggling to scrape a new (often quite average looking) girl every few months, to setting up 3 or 4 dates with new girls every WEEK, every one of whom was incredibly attractive to me. Nothing else changed, I was still just the same guy, with the same personality, looks, and job. And nothing I did was particularly unique, exceptional or complicated. Fundamentally, it was a simple mindset shift that replaced those limiting beliefs with new empowering ones:
Empowering Belief 1: Confidently displaying your romantic interest and sexual intent to a girl is one of the most attractive things you can do. It's the most honest way to begin an interaction with a woman you're interested in, and even if they reject you, they will respect you so much more for being up-front with them.
Empowering Belief 2: Your "value" is already exactly as high as you believe it to be - it's within you, and has nothing to do with what others think of you. You don't have to bring anyone down to feel better about yourself, and you don't have to impress or prove anything to anyone. Simply act how you want to act, and if people want to join in the fun, then great. If not, so be it. You are good enough, and if the people around you don't see that, it's their loss.
Empowering Belief 3: There are certain things that will help you, and certain things that will hurt you. But, fundamentally if a girl likes you she'll give you plenty of opportunities, regardless of the "steps" you follow. If she's not into you, no amount of perfect routine-following will make her suddenly become attracted to you. If it doesn't work out, SHE failed to recognise how great you are, and that's HER fault, not yours.
Empowering Belief 4: No man on earth is universally attractive to ALL women. No man can talk his way into every woman's heart (or panties!) Some women will simply not be into you. But that's ok, because for every one of those, there's a woman around another corner for whom youare the perfect type!
So, how have my interactions changed?
Before I adopted the direct mindset, I was constantly pushing myself into talking to girls I found attractive even though I was really nervous. If she wasn't interested, I'd take it really personally and start analysing what was wrong with me. Was my body language off? Did I come in too "obviously?" Maybe I just wasn't attractive enough?
If I did get into a good interaction, I'd be so happy that it was going well that I'd just keep things at that level - having a pleasant conversation and not taking things further. To take things further, of course, would risk that terrible REJECTION I was so worried about!
Now, I simply go into every interaction with a woman I find attractive with a direct compliment, making my romantic intentions clear from the start. What I've found is that the rejections are pleasant, and the women often thank me with a smile for brightening their day. As for the girls that are interested, they are already very attracted to my confidence and honesty, and I can proceed with the certainty that I can move things forward and escalate, knowing full well that any "no" along the way is almost certainly a "later" (i.e. token resistance) and not actual rejection.
This has also carried over to my social life and business in general. When I meet people in social situations, rather than worrying if I might be accepted or criticised for my actions (and therefore possibly staying silent or toning myself down) I instead just display my personality. What I've found is that acting more authentically and naturally with people actually makes me far more accepted and leads to almost universally positive reactions towards me. And I know through the experience of working with clients and students that almost any man can adopt the Direct mindset and get the same positive results!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
More stuff by Jakob Bachman (see previous post).
More stuff by Jakob Bachman (see previous post).
This blog post sounds like a utopia. I'm gonna try this soon. Trying not to do the usual: baiting girls to invest, set sexual frames, etc. and see if I get the same results.
Stop Unnatural Conversations With Women
I'm going to be blunt. Get rid of all routines and canned stories.
If you need to rehearse a story, a move, a Kino technique, a phone call, a kiss technique, a dance maneuver, or whatever, then you are on the wrong path. You are admitting that you are naturally not good enough and that getting women requires special skills.
A DANGEROUS truth is that some men who do engage in these behavioral gymnastics do go on dates, meet women, get laid etc. This is a dangerous, dangerous truth because it confuses "in spite of" with "because of". I can eat a bad diet and still do ok in sports but that does not mean that THAT diet is the way to go. There IS a better way.
"So what did you do this weekend?"
"What do you think of place X?"
But this is the boring usual stuff all guys talk with women about. Yep, and there's more:
"What places do you like to go to?"
"What do you do for fun?"
If you feel like you have to do anything more than this than you are putting her on a pedestal. And if she expects more from you then she is putting herself above you and disrespecting you. Either way you lose. So wouldn't you rather lose by being yourself rather than by wasting energy trying something else?
When average guys are speaking their "boring usual stuff" they are usually coming from a needy place. A guy, who rehearses the better material, and better stories, is coming from that SAME needy place because he IS depending on those things.
The most effort you should put into meeting women is no more than the prep work you do when going out on the town (such as getting dressed up, grooming, being well rested, getting in a social mood, etc.). That is universal effort and comes with being part of society.
This blog post sounds like a utopia. I'm gonna try this soon. Trying not to do the usual: baiting girls to invest, set sexual frames, etc. and see if I get the same results.
Stop Unnatural Conversations With Women
I'm going to be blunt. Get rid of all routines and canned stories.
If you need to rehearse a story, a move, a Kino technique, a phone call, a kiss technique, a dance maneuver, or whatever, then you are on the wrong path. You are admitting that you are naturally not good enough and that getting women requires special skills.
A DANGEROUS truth is that some men who do engage in these behavioral gymnastics do go on dates, meet women, get laid etc. This is a dangerous, dangerous truth because it confuses "in spite of" with "because of". I can eat a bad diet and still do ok in sports but that does not mean that THAT diet is the way to go. There IS a better way.
"So what did you do this weekend?"
"What do you think of place X?"
But this is the boring usual stuff all guys talk with women about. Yep, and there's more:
"What places do you like to go to?"
"What do you do for fun?"
If you feel like you have to do anything more than this than you are putting her on a pedestal. And if she expects more from you then she is putting herself above you and disrespecting you. Either way you lose. So wouldn't you rather lose by being yourself rather than by wasting energy trying something else?
When average guys are speaking their "boring usual stuff" they are usually coming from a needy place. A guy, who rehearses the better material, and better stories, is coming from that SAME needy place because he IS depending on those things.
The most effort you should put into meeting women is no more than the prep work you do when going out on the town (such as getting dressed up, grooming, being well rested, getting in a social mood, etc.). That is universal effort and comes with being part of society.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Lifestyle Journey For Men
For some reason I bumped on this blog by Jakob Bachman:
and I can already tell.... I love the guy. He has some more monster posts on that blog that are worth a read, but I don't have time for it at the moment. Am pretty excited though, I'll tell you that.
Here's a quick article from his blog. It's basically number 15 (Game is a myth) from the 15 lessons I learned from 2011.
PUA Methods Create Little Attraction If At All
If someone appears more successful using PUA methods it is because those methods got them out of their "shell", so to speak. It is like a placebo effect, or like drinking lots of alcohol, where it gets you to take risks and do things you normally wouldn't (such as approach a lot). But at least with alcohol no one says that it's the alcohol that makes you more attractive to women, it's what the alcohol got you to do that made you more attractive. PUA methods at best create a variety of delivery paths for your personality, which can bring out your personality more. But it's like training wheels, basically, and that's assuming it doesn't fuck you up in the process, which it usually does.
Probably the most useful PUA concept that has any measurable validity is the concept of social proof. It is true that if girls see you as a popular guy from a distance, your attractiveness will increase a bit in their eyes. But this is in addition to you already looking attractive to them, appearance wise, and then the social proof will help a bit. But those same girls also have to be receptive to meeting you for anything to happen. I've been in many situations where I had social proof (i.e. I was chatting up women and even occasionally making out with one of them), but other girls in that environment still acted indifferent towards me. At most they would look at me with curiosity and even some jealousy, but nothing more than that would happen. Time and time again I would see that socializing with the ladies (and even the men) almost always did nothing to help me hook up with other females in that particular environment (e.g. bar or club). Furthermore, I also made a habit of observing other guys who appeared socially proofed. For example, maybe they were with their hot girl friends or appeared very social and outgoing. I still didn't see them receive significantly more attention from other women than the guy who is just standing in a corner by himself. At most they would get looks from girls, and maybe a small amount of opportunity would present itself that wouldn't otherwise, but other than that social proof is hardly the powerful thing it's made out to be. And in my mind the reason for that is this: Girls need to be receptive to meeting men in that environment otherwise nothing works. You can be attractive, socially proofed, outgoing, preselected and none of that will matter in that environment if the women are not open to meeting men. And the irony is, if in the presence of social proof you are successful then you will also be successful without social proof, meaning that the women in that environment are receptive to meeting men.
Attraction and the desire to act on that attraction BOTH need to be present for social proof to work. And attraction itself is generated by a combination of your looks, mannerisms, and how you speak. This is independent of the use of PUA methods, excluding the placebo effect of course.
DHV doesn't work either. And neither does qualifying, negging, push/pull, cocky & funny, and NLP. At most these things can enhance attraction and/or interest a bit but they are completely ineffectual with women who have zero interest in getting to know you. And if a woman doesn't want to get to know you it is practically impossible to change that since it is something entirely within her own control and not yours, something PUAs don't like to hear.
and I can already tell.... I love the guy. He has some more monster posts on that blog that are worth a read, but I don't have time for it at the moment. Am pretty excited though, I'll tell you that.
Here's a quick article from his blog. It's basically number 15 (Game is a myth) from the 15 lessons I learned from 2011.
PUA Methods Create Little Attraction If At All
If someone appears more successful using PUA methods it is because those methods got them out of their "shell", so to speak. It is like a placebo effect, or like drinking lots of alcohol, where it gets you to take risks and do things you normally wouldn't (such as approach a lot). But at least with alcohol no one says that it's the alcohol that makes you more attractive to women, it's what the alcohol got you to do that made you more attractive. PUA methods at best create a variety of delivery paths for your personality, which can bring out your personality more. But it's like training wheels, basically, and that's assuming it doesn't fuck you up in the process, which it usually does.
Probably the most useful PUA concept that has any measurable validity is the concept of social proof. It is true that if girls see you as a popular guy from a distance, your attractiveness will increase a bit in their eyes. But this is in addition to you already looking attractive to them, appearance wise, and then the social proof will help a bit. But those same girls also have to be receptive to meeting you for anything to happen. I've been in many situations where I had social proof (i.e. I was chatting up women and even occasionally making out with one of them), but other girls in that environment still acted indifferent towards me. At most they would look at me with curiosity and even some jealousy, but nothing more than that would happen. Time and time again I would see that socializing with the ladies (and even the men) almost always did nothing to help me hook up with other females in that particular environment (e.g. bar or club). Furthermore, I also made a habit of observing other guys who appeared socially proofed. For example, maybe they were with their hot girl friends or appeared very social and outgoing. I still didn't see them receive significantly more attention from other women than the guy who is just standing in a corner by himself. At most they would get looks from girls, and maybe a small amount of opportunity would present itself that wouldn't otherwise, but other than that social proof is hardly the powerful thing it's made out to be. And in my mind the reason for that is this: Girls need to be receptive to meeting men in that environment otherwise nothing works. You can be attractive, socially proofed, outgoing, preselected and none of that will matter in that environment if the women are not open to meeting men. And the irony is, if in the presence of social proof you are successful then you will also be successful without social proof, meaning that the women in that environment are receptive to meeting men.
Attraction and the desire to act on that attraction BOTH need to be present for social proof to work. And attraction itself is generated by a combination of your looks, mannerisms, and how you speak. This is independent of the use of PUA methods, excluding the placebo effect of course.
DHV doesn't work either. And neither does qualifying, negging, push/pull, cocky & funny, and NLP. At most these things can enhance attraction and/or interest a bit but they are completely ineffectual with women who have zero interest in getting to know you. And if a woman doesn't want to get to know you it is practically impossible to change that since it is something entirely within her own control and not yours, something PUAs don't like to hear.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
2012-01-08 - Field Report (Same Night Seduction stuff)
Just got home from a night out. Didn't approach much, but had 1 noticeable interaction:
Friend introduced me to a girl he just met. Exchanged names.
Danced with her a bit, real close. Twirling and intertwining my fingers with hers.
At this point I knew she was interested.
3D escalation:
Me: "You're called what? Huh? Sorry can't hear you, let's go somewhere more quiet"
*Grabbed her hand and walked to the smoking area*
Sat on a chair, grabbed her hands and put her arms around me. She had her arms around me throughout the entire interaction.
I kept caressing her hands, stroking them, interjecting them with mine, etc (All that sexual kino awesomeness)
Me: "so you're really called Flower?"
Her: "Haha yeahhh"
Me: "That's SO awesome! It's not short for anything?"
Her: "Nope, I'm actually called flower :)"
Me: "haha awesome"
*At this point I spilled my drink on her shoulder while hugging her and trying to take a sip*
I apologized with a smile and thought to myself: "WTF am I doing? Fuck this drink, I don't need or want something to drink... I got a girl to play with now. This is awesome :D"
So I put my beer on the table besides me and focused on the girl. (Later my drink got taken away by the bartender... I couldn't care less)
Setting sexual frames:
Me: "So what do you do for fun?"
Her: "Uhm... I dunno, go out with friends, etc"
Me: "Ah a party girl, that's cool"
Her: "Yeah and I jog"
Me: "wow... so you're a sporty girl.. I like that ;)"
Her: "Yeah haha and you?"
Me: "My passion is psychology"
Her: "Ah oke"
Me: "You're pretty cool, let me try a psychological test with you, it's called the strawberry test"
*Strawberry test*
:She eats ALL the strawberry's... hehe, dirty girl ;)
Her: "It's like a real test right, you're not just saying this to hit on me?"
Me: "Yeah, it's a real test"
Creating sexual tension:
Me: "Wow, you're really cute, it's a shame I have this rule that I don't kiss in clubs, else I'd totally kiss you right now"
Her: "Haha"
Logistical question:
Me: "So who are you here with?"
Her: "My friends you just saw"
Me: "That's cool, so how do you know eachother?"
Her: "From school"
Me: "Alright awesome, so you all have like your little secrets"
Her: "What do you mean?"
Me: "Well... if you're all from the same school, then you all gossip a lot about who's hooking up with who, etc. I know how you girls are ;)"
Her: "haha yeah..."
Me: "Well that's cool, cause I don't judge"
Her: "What do you mean, I don't judge?"
Me: "Well... I don't judge" (Should've explained that people should be free to do whatever they want to do, without judgement)
Baiting to invest:
Me: "So, beautiful girls never tell me jokes, it's a shame, I think you should tell me a joke"
Her: "Uhhh.. I'm not sure... well... I know this one joke"
Her: "blablabla"
Me: "Huh? I couldn't hear that, what did you say?"
Her: "Hahaha, nevermind, it's nothing"
Me: "No, tell me"
Her: "Nooo, nevermind :)"
Her: "Do you know any jokes?"
Me: "Yeah... so an American and an Italian speak to one and other, the American says: 'Give me some screws and I'll build a ship for you'. The Italian says: 'Give me your wife and I'll make sure it has a crew on it'."
I look at her silently, she looks at me, gravity hook
Her: "Huh? Sorry, I didn't hear the first part. I thought if I heard the second part I'd understand it, but I don't.. sorry :)"
Me: "I repeat"
Her: "hahaha"
Lighting the fuse:
Me: "Alright.. well, it's a shame, because I'm talking to you this whole time and all I can think about is playing on my Nintendo Wii. Have you ever played Wii sports?"
Her: "Yeah!! it's awesome"
Me: "Isn't it? :)"
Logistical question:
Me: "So how did you get here?"
Her: "With a cab/metro, I live at blabla"
Me: "Ah, so you're going back with the metro/bus too?"
Her: "Yeahh"
Baiting to invest:
Me: "You look like you give great hand massages though"
Her: "Hmm.. you want a massage?"
Me: "Yeah"
*Gravity hook: I look at her silently so that she'll feel the tension and wants a release, which in this case is done by giving me a hand massage*
Her: "Right now?"
Me: "Yup" *grab her hands*
*She starts caressing my hands*
Me: "That's pretty good, but I give it a 6 out of a 10"
Her: "A 6?!"
*Starts playing with my hands even more*
Me: "That's much better... awesome ;)"
Rewarding her investment + creating more sexual tension:
Me: "This feels really good... watch."
*Stroke her hair aside and gently tug the back of her hair*
I could actually see her getting really turned on, she was staring into space now with a huge smile on her face haha
Creating more sexual tension:
Me: "You know what though... screw the rule I have... I totally wanna kiss you right now"
*Stroke her hair, gently tugging her chin towards me trying to kiss her*
She rejects
Her: "Noooo, I don't kiss random guys in bars!"
Me: "Hi, I'm Coldman. So now I'm not some random guy anymore"
*Try to kiss her again*
Her: "Nooo :D"
*I look at her silently, triangular gaze for like 30 seconds, try again*
She rejects
*I stroke her hair away instead and bite her neck*
Me: "Well.. I think it's awesome that you're not so easy, I like that about you"
Note: This is actually a bad thing to say. Now she's inclined to "play even harder to get", because I told her I like that. Something better to say would be:
"I like that you're hiding the fact that you want to kiss me."
or "It's okay to be shy ;)"
Baiting to invest + reward:
Me: "So what do you do besides going out? Like work"
Her: "I work in the supermarket"
Me: "haha that's awesome, so you do it just for the money or because you like doing it?"
Her: "Well, more for the money, but I like the job as well :)"
Me: "That's awesome"
*Stroke her hair away and bite her neck again*
Me: "So... I think you're pretty awesome, let's go play Nintendo Wii"
*Grab her hand, trying to pull out of the club*
Her: "haha, noooo, I got to go to my friends"
Me: "That's alright, but before you go, you have to give me your number"
*Exchange numbers*
Me: "Save me as 'Coldman Strawberry', so you know it's me ;)"
*some more fluff so she knows I wasn't just doing it to get her number*
Me: "Alright cya... wait, in Italy we do 3 kisses to say goodbye"
*3 kisses*
Me: "And if I see you again, you owe me a dance, cause we haven't danced yet ;)"
Later on I text her:
Me: "Hey, what are you doing?"
Her: "I'm going home with the bus, and then I'm going to bed haha. And you?"
Me: "I'm gonna throw an afterparty at my house, you should come?" (I wasn't really, was just trying to get her to come over)
Her: "Nah way too far, I'm at my own house!"
Things I forgot and could have done (better):
- Roleplays
- "It won't get weird"-frame (Did all the most important frames with strawberry fields, but forgot the: "It won't get weird"-frame)
- Other important sexual frames (objections) to remember:
-- Pregnant/STD
-- Stalker
-- Discreet (Check: I don't kiss in bars, but seeing as your friends aren't here, it'll be our little secret)
-- I don't like ONS (One night stands)
- blaming sexual aggressiveness on her
- Set-up a day 2 right then and there based on common interests.
-- Cooking
-> What's your favourite type of food?
-> Imagine us having a relationship, what would you cook?
-> Oh wow, you got me curious now, we totally have to make that together now next thursday night.
-> Dinnerdate @ your place
-- Movies
-> You like watching movies?
-> What's your favourite (type of) movie?
-> Have you ever seen 'X'
-> You haven't? Oh wow, we're totally gonna see that movie next thursday night.
-> Moviedate @ your place
---- Also grab her Facebook so you can see if she's still as hot as you remember the next day (Also builds more comfort if she can see you, and builds you up if you have a cool profile)
- What are you doing later?
-- and: What time do you have to get up tomorrow?
- More 3D escalation (Bought her a drink/slapshot)
-- or bought her a drink in another venue (or at my house) -> More 3D escalation
- What needs to happen for us to hookup tonight? (Or for you to come play Nintendo Wii)
- Just so you know... you're coming home with me tonight. ;)
Quick note:
I need to approach WAAAAAAAY more.
More approaches = more chances with girls = more chance of a girl having good logistics to take home.
Don't hesitate, just go for it.
Friend introduced me to a girl he just met. Exchanged names.
Danced with her a bit, real close. Twirling and intertwining my fingers with hers.
At this point I knew she was interested.
3D escalation:
Me: "You're called what? Huh? Sorry can't hear you, let's go somewhere more quiet"
*Grabbed her hand and walked to the smoking area*
Sat on a chair, grabbed her hands and put her arms around me. She had her arms around me throughout the entire interaction.
I kept caressing her hands, stroking them, interjecting them with mine, etc (All that sexual kino awesomeness)
Me: "so you're really called Flower?"
Her: "Haha yeahhh"
Me: "That's SO awesome! It's not short for anything?"
Her: "Nope, I'm actually called flower :)"
Me: "haha awesome"
*At this point I spilled my drink on her shoulder while hugging her and trying to take a sip*
I apologized with a smile and thought to myself: "WTF am I doing? Fuck this drink, I don't need or want something to drink... I got a girl to play with now. This is awesome :D"
So I put my beer on the table besides me and focused on the girl. (Later my drink got taken away by the bartender... I couldn't care less)
Setting sexual frames:
Me: "So what do you do for fun?"
Her: "Uhm... I dunno, go out with friends, etc"
Me: "Ah a party girl, that's cool"
Her: "Yeah and I jog"
Me: "wow... so you're a sporty girl.. I like that ;)"
Her: "Yeah haha and you?"
Me: "My passion is psychology"
Her: "Ah oke"
Me: "You're pretty cool, let me try a psychological test with you, it's called the strawberry test"
*Strawberry test*
:She eats ALL the strawberry's... hehe, dirty girl ;)
Her: "It's like a real test right, you're not just saying this to hit on me?"
Me: "Yeah, it's a real test"
Creating sexual tension:
Me: "Wow, you're really cute, it's a shame I have this rule that I don't kiss in clubs, else I'd totally kiss you right now"
Her: "Haha"
Logistical question:
Me: "So who are you here with?"
Her: "My friends you just saw"
Me: "That's cool, so how do you know eachother?"
Her: "From school"
Me: "Alright awesome, so you all have like your little secrets"
Her: "What do you mean?"
Me: "Well... if you're all from the same school, then you all gossip a lot about who's hooking up with who, etc. I know how you girls are ;)"
Her: "haha yeah..."
Me: "Well that's cool, cause I don't judge"
Her: "What do you mean, I don't judge?"
Me: "Well... I don't judge" (Should've explained that people should be free to do whatever they want to do, without judgement)
Baiting to invest:
Me: "So, beautiful girls never tell me jokes, it's a shame, I think you should tell me a joke"
Her: "Uhhh.. I'm not sure... well... I know this one joke"
Her: "blablabla"
Me: "Huh? I couldn't hear that, what did you say?"
Her: "Hahaha, nevermind, it's nothing"
Me: "No, tell me"
Her: "Nooo, nevermind :)"
Her: "Do you know any jokes?"
Me: "Yeah... so an American and an Italian speak to one and other, the American says: 'Give me some screws and I'll build a ship for you'. The Italian says: 'Give me your wife and I'll make sure it has a crew on it'."
I look at her silently, she looks at me, gravity hook
Her: "Huh? Sorry, I didn't hear the first part. I thought if I heard the second part I'd understand it, but I don't.. sorry :)"
Me: "I repeat"
Her: "hahaha"
Lighting the fuse:
Me: "Alright.. well, it's a shame, because I'm talking to you this whole time and all I can think about is playing on my Nintendo Wii. Have you ever played Wii sports?"
Her: "Yeah!! it's awesome"
Me: "Isn't it? :)"
Logistical question:
Me: "So how did you get here?"
Her: "With a cab/metro, I live at blabla"
Me: "Ah, so you're going back with the metro/bus too?"
Her: "Yeahh"
Baiting to invest:
Me: "You look like you give great hand massages though"
Her: "Hmm.. you want a massage?"
Me: "Yeah"
*Gravity hook: I look at her silently so that she'll feel the tension and wants a release, which in this case is done by giving me a hand massage*
Her: "Right now?"
Me: "Yup" *grab her hands*
*She starts caressing my hands*
Me: "That's pretty good, but I give it a 6 out of a 10"
Her: "A 6?!"
*Starts playing with my hands even more*
Me: "That's much better... awesome ;)"
Rewarding her investment + creating more sexual tension:
Me: "This feels really good... watch."
*Stroke her hair aside and gently tug the back of her hair*
I could actually see her getting really turned on, she was staring into space now with a huge smile on her face haha
Creating more sexual tension:
Me: "You know what though... screw the rule I have... I totally wanna kiss you right now"
*Stroke her hair, gently tugging her chin towards me trying to kiss her*
She rejects
Her: "Noooo, I don't kiss random guys in bars!"
Me: "Hi, I'm Coldman. So now I'm not some random guy anymore"
*Try to kiss her again*
Her: "Nooo :D"
*I look at her silently, triangular gaze for like 30 seconds, try again*
She rejects
*I stroke her hair away instead and bite her neck*
Me: "Well.. I think it's awesome that you're not so easy, I like that about you"
Note: This is actually a bad thing to say. Now she's inclined to "play even harder to get", because I told her I like that. Something better to say would be:
"I like that you're hiding the fact that you want to kiss me."
or "It's okay to be shy ;)"
Baiting to invest + reward:
Me: "So what do you do besides going out? Like work"
Her: "I work in the supermarket"
Me: "haha that's awesome, so you do it just for the money or because you like doing it?"
Her: "Well, more for the money, but I like the job as well :)"
Me: "That's awesome"
*Stroke her hair away and bite her neck again*
Me: "So... I think you're pretty awesome, let's go play Nintendo Wii"
*Grab her hand, trying to pull out of the club*
Her: "haha, noooo, I got to go to my friends"
Me: "That's alright, but before you go, you have to give me your number"
*Exchange numbers*
Me: "Save me as 'Coldman Strawberry', so you know it's me ;)"
*some more fluff so she knows I wasn't just doing it to get her number*
Me: "Alright cya... wait, in Italy we do 3 kisses to say goodbye"
*3 kisses*
Me: "And if I see you again, you owe me a dance, cause we haven't danced yet ;)"
Later on I text her:
Me: "Hey, what are you doing?"
Her: "I'm going home with the bus, and then I'm going to bed haha. And you?"
Me: "I'm gonna throw an afterparty at my house, you should come?" (I wasn't really, was just trying to get her to come over)
Her: "Nah way too far, I'm at my own house!"
Things I forgot and could have done (better):
- Roleplays
- "It won't get weird"-frame (Did all the most important frames with strawberry fields, but forgot the: "It won't get weird"-frame)
- Other important sexual frames (objections) to remember:
-- Pregnant/STD
-- Stalker
-- Discreet (Check: I don't kiss in bars, but seeing as your friends aren't here, it'll be our little secret)
-- I don't like ONS (One night stands)
- blaming sexual aggressiveness on her
- Set-up a day 2 right then and there based on common interests.
-- Cooking
-> What's your favourite type of food?
-> Imagine us having a relationship, what would you cook?
-> Oh wow, you got me curious now, we totally have to make that together now next thursday night.
-> Dinnerdate @ your place
-- Movies
-> You like watching movies?
-> What's your favourite (type of) movie?
-> Have you ever seen 'X'
-> You haven't? Oh wow, we're totally gonna see that movie next thursday night.
-> Moviedate @ your place
---- Also grab her Facebook so you can see if she's still as hot as you remember the next day (Also builds more comfort if she can see you, and builds you up if you have a cool profile)
- What are you doing later?
-- and: What time do you have to get up tomorrow?
- More 3D escalation (Bought her a drink/slapshot)
-- or bought her a drink in another venue (or at my house) -> More 3D escalation
- What needs to happen for us to hookup tonight? (Or for you to come play Nintendo Wii)
- Just so you know... you're coming home with me tonight. ;)
Quick note:
I need to approach WAAAAAAAY more.
More approaches = more chances with girls = more chance of a girl having good logistics to take home.
Don't hesitate, just go for it.
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