Your mind is just a display of conditioning of your past, of thoughts, of things people have told you, things you've read, your own idea's, things you've watched on TV.... all of which changes.

Think back 10 years and you'll probably think; "Well, I thought I knew what was going on then, but now I'm 10 years older and now I REALLY know what's going on"

But of course, in another 10 years you'll feel like what you knew now was very immature.

We're constantly growing, therefore to trust your own mind is a mistake.
From: The Way of the Superior Man (by David Deida)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Daygame Blueprint (in-field)

This is where I've learned the most. At first I was coming up WAY too close and creeping girls out, but I slowly realized this. The best feedback you'll get is from the girls themselves. Look at them and see if they're excited or scared. And then see what action you did to cause this.

Anyway, there were 3 days in-field, the 1st day was about getting the approach right. And the last day was actually the same thing, because I kept going for 2 sets and just COULDN'T get them to stop for the life of me... probably because of the stuttering on the opener, due to my crappy English.

Now the 2nd day... was the most awesome of them all, because I requested to be teamed up with Sasha... and I did.

But before I get into the breakdown of it, here are some things I've done right over the course of 3 days IN-FIELD:
- Stopped girls and made them genuinely smile (made their day)
- Approached my first 2 set even after the bootcamp (in my own free time) - AND I got them to stop and she loved it, was actually speechless with a huge smile. I also stayed in there even when I ran out of shit to say and just said the first thing that came to my mouth: "That's... a..... uuhh... lovely.... red dress."
- Approached the first hot girl I saw in the morning when feeling like shit. (This instantly put me into the right happy-go-lucky state. (Important to note that she didn't say anything, basically ignored me and walked off.... but this didn't matter whatsoever)


In-field with Sasha blew my mind away... I probably learned more in these 2-3 hours than I did over the course of a year. Though I was madly confused at the same time.

I think that if I would've payed all this money for just these 2-3 hours without the whole Daygame Blueprint... then I would still do it.

Here are some of the conversation highlights (Paraphrased from memory, of course):

Me: How do you get to that point of not giving a fuck like you have?
Sasha: On my bootcamp I make guys do crazy shit, like sitting on the sidewalk highfiving everyone. Or going into a Burger King and ordering a Big Mac. After doing stuff like this you stop giving a fuck what people think. And you've just gotta enjoy the awkwardness man, I enjoy watching woman squirm when I make it awkward for them.

Sasha: What Yad and Andy are teaching isn't direct... "You're so cute, I had to come meet you", isn't direct... what the hell is cute... if you see a girl walking on the street then you want to fuck her, if you don't then you're gay.
Sasha: Tell her the truth, tell her she's fucking sexy/hot; "Hey... I have to tell you something, you are so fucking sexy/stunning!".
Sasha: Go in close and whisper in her ear: "You're so fucking sexy, I wanna put my dick in your pussy" and back off... this will make her horny. And it's the truth.
Sasha: Whatever you're learning in there is great for beginners, but it's all based on Yad's style, he's very charismatic, he should be a TV host or something, but most guys aren't like that and it's not gonna work for them. It's bullshit man, you just gotta be direct with woman. Yad basically tricks woman into bed and when he gets them on his bed he then starts escalating with them.

Sasha: Alright, go over to that girl and tell her: "Whoever stood you up is a son of a bitch"
Me: *Opened the girl like Sasha said*
Her: "Oh, haha, I'm not being stood up, but I AM waiting for someone"
Me: "Alright awesome, hmmm... well I just run out of stuff to say"
Her: *blank stare*
Me: "Yeah... hot girls tend to make me nervous"
Her: "Oh... great..." *rolls eyes*
Me: "awkwaaaaard"
Me: "Alright, well I'm gonna go... cya"
Me: *To Sasha* Well... that was the most awkward moment of my life.
Sasha: Good, enjoy the awkwardness.

*After opening a girl direct*
Sasha: Yeah, that's good man, but next time smile more... you don't smile enough. Also, don't touch when you go THAT direct, it's TOO much.
Me: Yeah, I noticed the shock in her face haha, I don't even think she meant to go in that store... she just wanted to get away from me.
Sasha: Yeah... I'm not gonna deny that, that's probably true.

Sasha: Alright... you go up to those 2 girls and tell the less attractive one (while maintaining eye contact), that you think her friend looks amazing and if she minds that you flirt with her for a bit. And then, without waiting for a response, introduce yourself to the attractive one.

Me: So after you go direct, then what do you talk about? passion? work?
Sasha: Yeah.. well, those are good. Just get to know her a little bit, what she's up to, is she shopping or meeting up with friends, her work/passions/hobbies.

*After another approach and getting a number*
Sasha: So what do you know about her?
Me: Her name is xxx, she's polish, works in carpenting (it's her passion too), she's heading home
Sasha: and...?
Me: That's it...
Sasha: That's not enough man, you basically don't know anything about her... you had what.. like a 5 minute interaction, that's too short to get a solid number.

Me: I once walked up to a girl and said, "Wanna fuck?", is that direct?
Sasha: Yeah, but it's really uncalibrated... you don't know her. You don't know if she's friendly or whatever.

Me: So if I'm not calibrated, then how soon do you tell girls to fuck them... you like first tell them they're fucking sexy on the opener and then..
Sasha: Dude... stop asking so many questions... you've got like an information overload in your head. Just go out there and stop worrying so much. Stop reading any material, Yad and Andy gave you MORE than enough, just go out there and try it out, and do the stuff that I've said to you earlier.

Me: Do you think the Direct Dating Summit DVD's will help me?
Sasha: uuhh, just do the things I've said to you for now, if you're not ready yet, you're not ready, but eventually everyone will get to do direct game because you don't want to waste time. I don't want to waste my time with a 20 minute conversation that goes nowhere... if she likes you, she likes you. If she doesn't, she doesn't... so what? Some chicks love short bald guys, any amount of game isn't going to change that, so just go direct.

After all this Sasha gave me a nickname... "The Questions Guy".


  1. Hello:

    Thanks for sharing the infield experience about daytime dating. I think many people who could not attend the 3 day seminar in London have really missed something of great value by the daygame team.

  2. I think so too, it was a very memorable experience. Thankfully you can buy the DVD's from all of the seminar stuff, though you won't get the in-field experience, guess you'll have to do that part on your own. And learn from your own trail & error.
