Your mind is just a display of conditioning of your past, of thoughts, of things people have told you, things you've read, your own idea's, things you've watched on TV.... all of which changes.

Think back 10 years and you'll probably think; "Well, I thought I knew what was going on then, but now I'm 10 years older and now I REALLY know what's going on"

But of course, in another 10 years you'll feel like what you knew now was very immature.

We're constantly growing, therefore to trust your own mind is a mistake.
From: The Way of the Superior Man (by David Deida)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Some notes on DJ Fuji's 21 Convention talk of 2010

Discipline is doing what's necessary, even when you don't feel like it.

Where I lack discipline?
1a. Approaching
    Reason: Don't feel like it
    Fix: Go to bed on time & get up early
        - Eat healthy
        - Exercise to gain energy
        - Don't drink to excessive amounts (and get a hangover)
    Why Fix It?: To have a happier dating life.
    When: Next time you see a hot girl, open, no matter how you feel and no matter how the interaction goes... doesn't matter.
1b. Approaching 2
    Reason: Don't want dissaproval (scared of failure/rejection)
    Fix: Accept everything and realize it's not you or your skillset... it's a numbers game/pleasure.
        - She's not rejecting YOU, her logistics aren't right or she's just not ready.
    Why Fix It?: To have a happier dating life.
    When: Next time you see a hot girl, open, no matter how you feel and no matter how the interaction goes... doesn't matter.
2a. Escalating
    Reason: Don't want to blow it... take it easy and steady.
    Fix: Blow me or blow me out (MODE ONE BABY)
    Why Fix It?: Not escalating will make her lose interest and you end up losing the girl or wasting a lot of time... and usually both.
        - If she walks away, she was gonna walk away ANYWAY. Whether you went for the kiss or not.
        - She's just not ready, and will be down for it later... you have progressed forward.
        - Doing NOTHING will keep you from progressing and is actually de-escalating.
            - You always go forward because you're a man, you go for what you want (Attractive quality). She can forgive you for that... she won't forgive you for being a pussy.
    When: Next time you're with a girl you like... escalate. ;)
2b. Escalating 2
    Reason: Don't know HOW
    Fix: Do something, anything... anything is better than nothing.
    Why Fix It?: Not escalating will make her lose interest and you end up losing the girl or wasting a lot of time... and usually both.
    When: Next time you're with a girl you like... escalate. Even if you don't know how... just do something.
        - Where are you? and What needs to happen for sex to occur? (Hand caressing? Isolation? Kiss?) and work towards it.
3. Go to bed on time
    Reason: I'm doing activities until really late at night that are fun, and I don't want to go to bed early
    Fix: Set an alarm clock and fucking do it. Go to bed early.
    Why Fix It?: To have a happier dating life, and have more energy in the morning.
        - And to be able to get up early (see below)
    When: Go to bed at 12 AM.
4. Get up early
    Reason: I'm doing activities until really late at night that are fun, and I don't want to go to bed early
    Fix: Set an alarm clock and fucking do it. Get up early.
    Why Fix It?: To have a happier dating life, and have more energy in the morning.
        - Also to be able to approach when I actually DO have to get out of the house, and to not waste precious hours of the day. The day is limited. Get up earlier will give you more hours to get things done.
    When: Get up at 9 AM, and do all the things you would do in the evening after 12 AM.

When on the side of action or inaction, always take action.
You only regret the inaction...
    - "Oh.. I shouldn't have gone out... I shouldn't have taken that trip... I should've stayed home."
    - "I shouldn't have approached that HB10 with 2 guys with her."

Humor allows for escalation to happen without it being weird. (Kino, sexual frames, etc, with humor it's fine)
open the FIRST SET ALWAYS, no matter how you feel, no matter if it's 2 girls, guy and girl on a date, 2 guys making out, doesn't matter.
If you let 1 excuse get by, you're going to let every excuse get by.

Don't give yourself excuses. Because you'll make an excuse ladder:
    "Oh, I can't approach them... they are 2 guys making out..."
What then will you say when there's 2 girls?
    "Oh... I can't approach them, they're probably together..."
What about 3 girls?
    "Oh... it looks like they're in a conversation right now... I don't want to disturb..."

Your goal is to OPEN, nothing else.
It's to OPEN, it's not to:
    - impress people
    - get attraction
    - get her to like you
    - get sexual
    IT IS TO OPEN, UNTIL YOU OPEN NOTHING ELSE MATTERS. And when you get there... then you can worry about everything else.

Getting AA? Read this...:
Are you here to get the girl, or are you here to get the skill?
And if you're here to get the skill then why does a rejection matter?
Does it have any effect on your life whatsoever?
Don't let fear control your life... the fear is an illusion.
Don't let illusions hold you back from achieving your goals.
1 girl and you make excuses, it doesn't matter that much experience wise...
...the problem comes that now your actions are influencing your beliefs.
What kind of man are you telling yourself that you are? Are you a man that goes after what he wants... apparently not, because your actions contradicts that.

When you're in-field and you see a set and you don't immediately go in...
"Let me think of a great opener and then I'll go in"
- If you thought of a great routine, you went in and took them home. It'll be worse on your inner game then if you went up straight away and got blown out.
    - That sounds crazy in theory, but it's because you hesitated... When you hesitate, no matter what the outcome is...
    you're telling yourself: I'm not a man of action, I'm not a man who believes in himself, I'm not a man who goes after what he wants.
    instead, you're telling yourself: I'm a man who second guesses himself, I'm a man who isn't sure of himself (I've gotta think of what to say).
And that is much more damaging than anything else that you can do.
Actions influence beliefs.
Short is unattractive because it's stereotyped:
- With a lack of dominance.
- With a lack of survival value
- with a lack of strength
- With the lack of emotions of safety

When you're infield; YOU are NOT your results.
results have no impact on who you are
Great reactions, bad reactions. Girl likes you, girl doesn't like you, doesn't matter.
You either made mistakes or didn't. Or didn't do well, or did well.

When you blow ALL your sets, it means absolutely NOTHING to who YOU are.
And if you hook EVERY set, it means absolutely NOTHING to who YOU are.

It's simply a matter of how you performed. Mistakes or not.

Steer conversations from one topic to another one that's beneficial to you (e.g. sexuality/relationships/travel)

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