Your mind is just a display of conditioning of your past, of thoughts, of things people have told you, things you've read, your own idea's, things you've watched on TV.... all of which changes.

Think back 10 years and you'll probably think; "Well, I thought I knew what was going on then, but now I'm 10 years older and now I REALLY know what's going on"

But of course, in another 10 years you'll feel like what you knew now was very immature.

We're constantly growing, therefore to trust your own mind is a mistake.
From: The Way of the Superior Man (by David Deida)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

FR: Going out + free coctails = bad news

Basically had a night out where I got free coctails all night and got so drunk that I barely remember my interactions with woman.

One thing that kept coming back, however is every time I set a low risk sexual frame (You look really cute on the outside, but I can tell on the inside you have a serious naughty side) I got blown out. 
Her: Sorry, but I have to go

I think it was, because I was really drunk and couldn't handle my own state, so I said it in a really creepy turned on way.

Also I remember 1 convo with a girl and because I was drunk I couldn't calibrate her interest level, so I kept talking, but I ignored her answers. So after a while she went: Wow, could you please leave, you're talking bullshit.
So I went: No shit, I'm only trying to get into your pants.
Here the bartender told me to leave the girls alone, I could say he was jealous, but the truth is probably that I was being the "annoying drunk guy".

I also remember that I was dancing close with chicks and locking eye contact all that good stuff, but because I was too drunk I remember me going in my head: "fuck talking, I just wanna dance".
Result: Girls lost interest after a while, next time goal is to get a basic convo going (not too much, it's still dancing), and then get her from the dancefloor into the lounge area.
Basic convo is shit like: "You smell nice ;) I'm Coldman btw. *handshake and she tells me her name* are you adventurous, <girlsname>? Yes? Alright let's go on an adventure, I wanna show you something cool *take hand and lead*"
Note: A natural friend of mine goes around the dance floor, he doesn't dance; he approaches, talks, gets number, leaves... so it can be done on the dance floor.

On a sidenote: 1 of my friends threw up, and another one passed out. Free coctails ftw!


Lessons learned:
- Don't get fucking wasted, next time: No pre-drinks (before entering the club), and no hard liquor.
- Social Momentum, get the first approach out of the way, find the first hot/cute girl and approach, doesn't matter how it goes, just get it over with or else you're either gonna be too scared to do it or you've missed your chance (Don't get a drink, don't go dancing, don't circle around, don't go to the bathroom)

On a bad night I think: "That girl looks hot, should I approach? No, wait a minute, let's really check her out and see if she's as hot as I think.... alright, she is, now what can I say? What's my opener... alright cool, and then what do I say? alright cool... wait is that a good thing to say? Maybe I should try and say this, or this, or do this kino escalation technique..."
"hmmm, so confused, why I am not approaching yet? Is this approach anxiety? fuck, this is gonna be one of those nights again where I don't talk to fucking anybody, etc"

And on a good night I think: "That girl looks hot, should I approach? Yes and... see if she's also hot up close, and see if she's interested, and see if she accepts my sexual frame, and see how far I can escalate, and..."
What usually happens is I go in, opener, have a conversation and see what comes out of it IN THE MOMENT, not in my head.

p.s. I realized something; I was approaching instant and confidently. Usually you'll receive credit for this. But because it was apparent that I was drunk I didn't... they're thinking: "well, he approached me confidently... but oh wait, he's drunk... everyone's that drunk can do that, he's not confident at all."

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